Around Spoleto

The waters street Spoleto- Clitunno Springs-Poreta-Eggi-Spoleto
 easy route
9 am meeting at Spoleto with Gira l'Umbria company

bike tour (guided or self guided)
12.30 return at Spoleto

The route is developed in large part on the bike path that ascends the Umbrian valley and GO along the rivers Clitunno and  Teverone .
country side
The track is completely flat, the mileage of only 30  kilometers and the almost total absence of traffic, in fact, make it suitable for beginners and families with children.
The route offers several scenic points and cuts across various places of interest both natural and cultural, as the Temple of Clitunno the natural oasis of Clitunno springs, the castle of Poreta, and the village of Eggi .

Tel. +39 348.89.16.928
bike path

Temple of Clitunno